What's New for BlogrCart MNMLUS v2.0 Blogger Store Template

BlogrCart MNMLUS initially launched mid 2015, now more aggressive, easier theme installs, easier online store setups & NO CODE EDITS REQUIRED! Override theme defaults right from your Blogger dashboard.

Improved web page performance, re-written plug-in codes, uses new Blogger mark-ups, makes MNMLUS online store theme maintainable without any programming knowledge. Setup or update online store payment gateway accounts & order form comes pre-installed.

New auto create dropdown main navigation without editing a single template code! Update, edit, re-arrange your store main links from your custom dashboard easily.

New Advance Product/Post Search now comes equipped with MNMLUS v2.0. Control how internal products/posts searched results by your users using keywords they enter! The advance search narrowing down search results by Labels/tag assigned and matched keyword with the product/post text body too!

$ 132.00

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More text & images can be added here. Images entered outside image data table (above) will not group. Before publishing, use Labels to categorize your product pages. For enhanced search results, add meta description at Search Description on the right.

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